Profile PictureHppedeaf

VRChat Camera Animation (CAHppe) v2.0.1

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VRChat Camera Animation (CAHppe) v2.0.1

103 ratings

◆ Description:

Before, there was a VRChat mod called 'Camera Animation.' However, VRChat removed all mods, and everyone felt sad and missed it, just like how I feel. I love those mods, so I decided to recreate it exactly like the original. Plus, I added a few features that the original Camera Animation mod didn't have.

Camera Animation is for making videos or movies, or anything you want to do with video streams.

Please don’t forget tag #CAHppe on any Social Media such as Tik-tok, Twitter, etc. I want to see what you made for the video. It’ll make me happy to see. ♡

!!! This is only for PC version, and can't Quest version because of this don't support the Camera Component!!!

!!! Desktop Mode can be support!!!

!!! OSC is supported !!!

!!! For anyone who doesn't understand the difference between 'full system' and 'full system + support.' !!!
"They are the same version; there is no difference. The second one with support just adds extra cost as a contribution."

!!! this package don't have VRCLens !!!
"You can use Camera Animation without VRCLens but if you want CA linked with VRCLens, you need get it from their Gumroad"

I've also created a website for Camera Animation Hppe that explains what it is, how to install it, and how to use it.

CAHppe Website

◇The latest version is 2.0.1◇
Pervious version is available
All version will work with VRCSDK3 2022 Unity

◆ Preview:

You can test out Camera Animation before you buy by using the sample avatar from the Camera Animation Demo Avatar

How to get demo avatar?: (open the avatar link and click "Switch to Avatar" or select favourite then check your favourite avatar list in VRChat)

◆ Features:

  • Waypoint 32
  • Orbit Camera
  • Centre Player Choice camera movement
  • Look at player
  • Look at Object
  • Look at Remote User
  • Loop
  • Zoom
  • Reset
  • Camera Settings
  • OSC
  • And more!

Note: If using linked with VRCLens, Zoom is removed, using VRCLens's zoom instead.

◆ Contents:

  • 3D model (FBX)
  • Texture files
  • FX (1)
  • Prefab (3)
  • Parameter (34)
  • 2 Shader "StreamCam" and "HideInCamera" created by Rollthenerd and Nestorboy

◆ How to Installation and How to Use.

We created CAHppe website for Explanation, How to Installation, and How to Use on CAHppe in website!

CAHppe Website

◆ Terms of Use (Rules):

■ The following terms apply to the latest version ■

Be sure to review the terms in the Readme file included with the Unitypackage.

  • Commercial usage, including usage in monetized videos or live streams is allowed.
  • Modification of Camera Animation package is allowed.
  • Redistribution or resale, modified or not, is prohibited, regardless of being standalone or as part of an avatar.
  • Embedding this product into public avatars, including for avatar worlds, is prohibited.
  • The copyright of Camera Animation product belongs to hppedeaf.
  • The creator is not responsible for any damages caused by using this product.

◆ Contact:

If you have/found any issues, enquiries or questions, please contact us.

You can contact us on Twitter, Discord and canny.

DiscordGroup VRChatFeedback

My message to Early Beta Tester:

Thank you so much for testing my Camera Animation for me to find some issues as I can fix it!

Beta Tester:

  • TachDeaf
  • GT4tube
  • Starbun*

And also thank you TachDeaf for drawing icons and helping me to write English here.

Thank you so much Rollthenerd and Nestorboy for helping me out with new shader for VRChat fullscreen StreamCam!

◆The versions◆

-Fix path line little messy when play
-VRClens connected fixed animation
-Waypoints Shader fixed
-When spawn new waypoint camera late rotation
-Fixed right scale default 0,0,0
-Change material shader unity for let you choose to colour for custom
-Fixed prefab manual installation
-Add background Saturation
-Fix Orbit rotation

-Released to full public for ver.2.0.0
-CAHppe's Docs website public

Public for Beta.1 (only available for €25)

-change all and new script
-change and improve the animation path
-Redesign of the camera
-Redesign the waypoints

-follow players
-Another player can see what on your screen
-the red lines
-User Remote
-User Local
-Background and Colour
-New icons
-OSC supported!

-FX fixed,
-Animation fixed,
-Issues between normal CA and VRClens fixed,
-edited Arrows/Camera material little light up for in dark world.

-fix missing material
-fix bad position preview

-Big updating,
-added new stuff such as more waypoints up to 32,
-deleteable waypoints,
-new shader for Camera/arrow mesh as they are invisible for StreamCam.
-fixed to improving the speed camera movement smooth.
-the rank is good (if medium, it could from your avatar)

ver.1.2.1 (11/02/2024)
-Fixed and replace a new shader for screen,
-VRChat Fullscreen mode got solved!

ver.1.2.0 (08/02/2024)
-Added new tools Free Orbit Camera,
-Freeze at end of Waypoint,
-Look at Drop.
-added linked with VRCLens as plugin
-Fix by change to install into hand with CA Target.

ver.1.1.1 (01/02/2024)
-Fix waypoints as you can choice when stop any number waypoints

ver.1.1.0 (31/01/2024)
-Parameter is reduced from 60 bits to 30 bits!
-fixed with WD ON/OFF

ver.1.0.1 (30/01/2024)
-Fix Error Materials

ver.1.0.0 (30/01/2024)
-Released to public

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1,078 sales

Full Camera Animation Unity prefab

Expression Parameters
34 bits
Platform support
PC half and VR
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30-day money back guarantee


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